Carbon for Twitter: Nova Twitter aplikacija za Android
Nakon više od godinu dana programiranja i pravljenja aplikacije, Carbon for Twitter je konačno stigao u Google Play prodavnicu. U pitanju je besplatna Twitter aplikacija uz pomoć koje možete uraditi sve što ste do sada navikli sa ostalim Twitter aplikacijama.
Aplikacije ima sledeće mogućnosti:
- Tilt Timeline to Refresh
- Power Scroll: Scroll/Swipe up or down using Two fingers to jump to top or bottom of Timelines
- Tap+Hold on Tweets to make everything clickable right on the Timeline
- QuickTimeline, home screen quick Timeline for Lists, Searches, Trends, etc…
- Rich Timelines with full inline images and videos
- Rich and HD style for User Profiles
- Rich and fun Conversation View
- Threaded Direct Messages
- Background updates with quick actions for Jelly Bean, per account
- Username Autocomplete
- Filters for Hashtags, Users, and Keywords